About us
About Us

Africa Youth Ministries was founded in 2003 by a group of visionary young people with a holistic vision to empower and save humanity. Geographically, Africa Youth Ministries Uganda is currently operating in the Districts of Wakiso, Jinja, Hoima, Kampala and Lira.

In the five Districts we operate in Africa Youth Ministries is involved in the following programs and activities

Africa Youth Ministries Uganda as a social action Ministry or Faith Based Ngo, was found on a Christian Foundation and inspired by the Holy Scriptures
HIV/AIDS Mitigation
Africa Youth Ministries Uganda is greatly involved in the HIV/AIDS awareness & prevention campaigns focused on secondary schools.

HIV/AIDS Community Orphan Care
The HIV/AIDS epidemic has created an orphan crisis in this nation; its believed over 1.5 million Ugandan children under 14 have lost a parent
Needy Students Scheme
In this scheme Africa Youth Ministries Uganda identifies secondary going students who by lack of school are at the risk of dropping of school.
Suuport & Care For HIV Patients
A person living with HIV/AIDS needs our support, care and encouragement to be able to handle their situation better without resentment.
Disaster Mitigation
People affected by disaster whether natural or man made need help, Africa Youth Ministries Uganda together with its partners.
Peace Building
Africa Youth Ministries Uganda, is currently working on and developing various peace-building projects and programs to benefit the war affected people.
Environmental Protection
Africa Youth Ministries Uganda, through various local and international partners is working on a tree planting scheme targeting primary school children.