Sponsor A Child
SPONSOR A CHILD Together we can make a difference!
Our Child sponsorship program is designed to help Orphaned & Vulnerable Children (OVC’s) as a result of HIV/AIDS, past civil armed conflicts and other health related factors. As of 2019, Uganda was host to 2.7 Million Orphans. For as little as US$ 25 per month, you can sponsor a Child. The US$ 25 monthly donation, provide for a child’s school fees, scholastic materials, feeding, clothes, shoes, school uniform, medical care, and participation in professional trauma counseling programs. A child who does not go to school is a child who goes through life bearing a monstrous burden.
A child destined to live a life impoverished in every way; in spirit, in health, in bare necessities. Though building more orphanages is an effective way to care for the ever increasing number of orphans due to the AIDS epidemic and un-ending wars in Africa, we believe that care provided in institutional settings often fails to meet the developmental and long-term needs of Orphaned and Vulnerable children.
Further, the costs associated with providing basic care to orphans sky rocket when salaries must be paid, buildings constructed and maintained, food prepared, and services provide. Conducted cost comparisons indicate the ratio of operating costs for an orphanage to be 14 times higher than those of Community Based Care & Support OVC programs and projects.
Past & Present Milestones
Cumulatively, through various projects, programs and partnerships, Africa Youth Ministries has supported over 90,000 Children since 2003. Our projects and programs for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children include Child Sponsorship, free medical care, free HIV Counseling and testing, low cost housing, OVC income generation projects, trauma counseling, sports, expressive arts, humanitarian AID e.g. distribution of clothes, shoes, blankets, beddings, mosquito nets, food AID, conferences, peer education workshops and seminars etc. Sign up today to sponsor an Orphaned or Vulnerable Child in Uganda, sign up!
For more Project/Program activity photos, kindly visit our facebook page at Click Here
In reaching out to many Children affected by the AIDS Epidemic in Uganda, Africa Youth Ministries works with various local stakeholders e.g. Schools, Orphanages, and Churches, for more details visit Click Here
The AIDS epidemic has left millions of children orphaned, without hesitation or complaint, Africa’s grandmothers have stepped in to care for them. It is estimated that between 40-60% of orphans live in grandmother-headed households

Orphaned Girl, The mother has been supported to start a food a business to take of Orphaned Children

Orphaned Child receive upkeep money from Africa Youth Ministries CEO

Orphaned Children Receive donations of clothes at Africa Youth Ministries offices

Orphaned Child receive food & beddings donation from Africa Youth Ministries

Orphaned Girls empowered economically with Skills to make beads and necklaces

Orphaned Girl empowered with skills to make candles for survival & income