Prison Ministries
Africa Youth Ministries, Prisons Outreach Ministry was established in 2005, in partnership with Hope For Prisoners, together with local Churches and local Christian Volunteers.
The Prisons Outreach Ministry (POM) implements projects that address the problems facing the young people today e.g. HIV/AIDS, Armed Conflicts, Adolescent or un-wanted pregnancies, Drug abuse, Poverty (which has lead to an increase in the crime rates among the young people). Statistics available from the Uganda Prisons Service reflects that 80% of the offenders incarcerated or committed or remanded to Prisons are below the age of 30 years and 95% of the offences committed are money related.
It’s upon these disturbing statistics that Africa Youth Ministries took a decision start a Prisons Outreach Ministry. Our Prisons Outreach Program is established and guided by the Devine Biblical Commission as found in the Holy scriptures in the Gospel according to Mathew 25:35-40, “Jesus states that people who minister to those in prison are ministering to Him and that people who do not minister to those who are in prison have not ministered to Him” Further the book of Hebrews 13:3 tells us to remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners.


The over all purpose of the Africa Youth Ministries Prisons Outreach Ministry (POM) is four-fold:-
- To offer spiritual & material support to the families of the incarcerated in the event where the (Bread Earner is the Offender)
- To establish and coordinate a vibrant, strong & effective forum of ministries caring & supporting offenders
- To help inmates know & accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior and nurture them into spiritual growth.
- Post-Prison Community Based Care, Support & Counseling e.g. HIV Prevention

Below are some of the activities we have worked on under prison ministries
- Provide Post-Prison community based care & support to former Prisoners, by helping them get back to their communities, provide temporary transitional shelter, Prayer & Counseling etc
- Facilitate Livelihood & entrepreneurial Skills development among former prisoners as a way of rehabilitation to help them start income generating activities to gain financial stability. This will help curb down the rate of recidivism, because nobody tends to care & support former prisoners, many of them find themselves back to prison by committing the same offences.
- Evangelize & disciple inmates in and out of Prison through a weekly Prisons Outreach Program designed to share the Gospel of the risen Lord with inmates, to help them grow & mature spiritually.
- Mobilise/Source & distribute gospel tracts, Bibles, Magazines etc to in mates. Similarly, source & distribute to inmates clothes, shoes & sandals etc many inmates walk on bare foot because they don’t have shoes, slippers or sandals.
- Minister to & support families of inmates especially those who have been found guilty by the law and are sentenced. In the event where “a bread winner is sentenced to serve a long term in prison” there’s great emotional breakdown, families breaking down, children dropping out of school, no food, house rent, such are the problems faced by families of inmates. Africa Youth Ministries Uganda will under our Child Sponsorship program provide education support to such Children & as God provides, we will also provide for such families food, clothes, beddings and also help them start income generating activities to help them sustain their families.
- Coordinate a very vibrant and active network of Prisons Outreach Ministries; this will help bring down the problem of service duplication.
- Through the weekly Prisons outreach program, Africa Youth Ministries Uganda will continue to source for material resources to distribute to inmates such as soap & shavers to improve on their hygiene & for the young women provide sanitary pads & also provide mosquito nets to reduce the spread of malaria. Some inmates spend long periods of time without anyone visiting them.
- Initiate victim – offender negotiations & out of court settlements as a means of reconciliation & forgiveness, Mathew 6:14-15 “For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions”.
As a Child and Youth focused Ministry, our Prisons Outreach Ministry is designed to address the needs of the incarcerated Youth & Community Based Care & support of Children of the inmates & their families.
Africa Youth Ministries Uganda with its staff, Volunteers & through partnerships with similar Ministries & Organizations in the west will help to raise both financial & material support for the Prisons Outreach ministry for both inmates & aftercare. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me” Mathew 25:40
As we’re very new in this Ministry our major and number one need is staff development and training to gain skills on how to handle & minister to inmates.
Further, the Prisons Outreach Ministry is in great need for:-
- Material donations such as Gospel Tracts, Bibles, Magazines, Books, etc.
- Clothes, you find many inmates in tattered clothes.
- Blankets many inmates do not have anything to cover themselves as they sleep.
- We need mattresses for prisoners, many of the prisoners sleep on bare floor, as a substitute and less costly for US$ 4 you will buy a papyrus mat which is able to accommodate 2 inmates.
- Shoes or sandals or for a substitute we can buy sandals made out of used car tyres they’re very long lasting and less costly, for US$ 3 you will buy one pair which will last for 2 years without breaking.
- Donations are also needed to support families of the inmates. For those interested in sponsoring inmates Children to school, this costs US$ 24 per month, these funds are for tuition, school uniform, feeding, scholastic materials & medical care. We also need scholastic materials for some of prisoners who are studying while serving their Prison sentence.

As a ministry, we need:-
- Financial support & partnership to operate & coordinate the Prisons Outreach Ministry. The financial needs before us range from transport, telephone expenses, email & internet services.
- Salary expenses to employ full time Prisons Outreach Ministry & Volunteer Coordinators, Social Workers etc.
- Sound or public address system
- A Prisons Outreach Ministry Van.
- Funds are needed for stationery
- Funds to reproduce & print materials and print ministry T-shirts & Ball Caps to promote the Prisons Outreach Ministry.
- Funds are also needed to organize training seminars & workshops for all those ministries & organizations involved in Prisons Ministry.

For those interested in making a financial donation, our direct Bank transfers information, can be found here To make an online secure and safe donation, kindly follow link to Your US$ 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 will help transform a life of a prisoner & their families, donate now!

If your Church, Organisation or Ministry is able to organize & conduct activities such as training seminars, workshops & conferences for those involved in prisons Ministry Kindly let us know, you may reach us by email at
OR call/text us on +256-753-200002/0759-200005. You can also mail us Prisons Ministry materials e.g. Bibles, tracts, magazines, books, fliers etc to the address below
For Further details you can contact us:-
The Africa Youth Ministries
P.O. Box 20029, Kampala, Uganda