Volunteer Opportunites
Africa Youth Ministries is a Child and Youth focused non profit making organization established to implement projects/programs to implement projects addressing problems facing young people such as HIV and AIDS, armed conflicts, poverty, drug abuse, un-employment etc.
As a non profit making organization, as such, we rely on the generosity of our friends, well-wishers, community members, sponsors, donors & volunteers for support. In the last 7 years of our existence, the organization has grown in terms of project and programs beneficiaries, national & regional coverage, as well as organization staff, donors, sponsors, well-wishers etc. Our volunteer opportunities run through out the year, as you write to us with your expression of interest, kindly be specific on dates and duration as this will help us match you with other visiting volunteers both local & international. It also becomes less costly for us to manage group volunteer programmes. There is a place for your time, talents and resources. Our on-going volunteer opportunities exist in the following areas:-
Medical Missions/Outreaches
We strive to uplift the health status of the less privileged in specific rural areas of Uganda. During 2010 and beyond we need OB-GYN, Physicians, General Surgeons, Pediatricians, Dentists, Nurses, Surgical Technologists, Laboratory Technicians, Pharmacists, Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Pastors, physiotherapists, Medical and Dental Students as well as individuals with no previous medical experience. For details click
Sports For Social Change Projects
We’re running a very vibrant sports project reaching 1000's of boys and girls teaching them about AIDS and many life skills e.g. Team work, time management, budgeting, fair play, conflict resolution etc. The sports project also responds to traumatic experiences Children face when they loose their parents to AIDS or war related trauma, through play therapy, children gradually heal from their traumas. The project is in dire need of skilled basket ballers, volleyballers, soccer, netballers to spend time training the boys and girls. We also need coaches who can train local peer coaches and referees as a capacity building and project sustainability approach.

Basket Ball And Volley Ball
Net Ball
Light & Heavy Construction
We need volunteers for our construction projects e.g. low cost houses for families affected by AIDS e.g. widows, orphans and elderly persons. We’re also running a Hospital construction project (Living Hope Hospital) and schools construction projects. These are projects suitable for school, college, university, and church groups during summer, fall and spring breaks. As a group you can choose to fundraise to build low cost houses, a classroom, a hospital ward or room.
Child Care & Sponsorship
Volunteers are need in the areas of trauma counseling for children affected by war, orphaned by AIDS, victims of domestic violence and abuse. We also need volunteers in child care kits sorting and distribution and as well develop child friendly games etc.

Sports Equipments Collection Drives
We’re looking for devoted volunteers who within their home countries can organize and launch charity sports equipments drives through schools, colleges, universities, churches, sports clubs etc. As well raisefunds for shipping such sports equipments to Uganda, fortunately, Africa Youth Ministries has a memorandum of understanding with the government of Uganda, we do not pay customs duties for all our imported project items.

Community Based Care & Support of People Living with AIDS
Together with our palliative care community team you will be able to provide home visitation, treatment, counseling, spiritual & moral support, HIV/AIDS Sensitization, Treatment of opportunistic infections (OI’s), collection of blood samples for CD4 Counts, training of palliative counselors, distribution of relief items to PLWHA, train them in dance & drama, train them in Art & Craft as a means of income & also train them in horticulture & poultry as a means of income. For details click here

Income Generating Skills Development
Don’t give them fish, but teach them to Fish” We want to discourage young people from the dependency syndrome by giving them skills that will help them to earn a living. As a volunteer you will be required to train our project beneficiaries in entrepreneurial skills such as poultry keeping, agro-forestry, bee keeping, hand craft making, bakery, weaving etc. For details click here

Fundraising & Handcraft Charity Sales
We urgently need volunteers to help us in our fundraising campaigns e.g. our on-going charity sales of handcrafts especially on major big days such as Christmas, Easter, International Women’s Day, Global Peace Day and World AIDS Day. You can volunteer to sale for us our handcrafts, we’re currently working with various individuals, Church groups, college, university, school groups and charities. For details, you find more information on our facebook page click here

Peace-Building/Humanitarian Intervention projects
We need volunteers with prior knowledge or experience in implementing peace-building projects, through sport, art, income generating activities for war affected young people to help them start a new life. Similarly, our major focus in Northern Uganda is reconciliation & forgiveness, as a volunteer you will be required to help us design better programs and projects that enhance reconciliation & forgiveness among young people. This will include peace education for both out of school and school going young people through drama, music, dance etc.

We need volunteers with experience to help us write & submit grant proposals on our behalf, organize fundraising events, dinners etc in your country. As the competition for the little available funding grows stiffer, we have to adjust accordingly to sustain our projects/programs. Used items such as mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers, cameras, video cameras, CD Players & cassettes can be a major source of income when sold locally here. We set up an internet café, which has been earning us approximately US$ 43 per day, which is US$ 1290 per month. This income has been helping us to pay our utility bills, office rent, pay school fees for a few orphaned children and other running costs. Unfortunately due to the prevailing electricity rationing in the country, we were forced to close temporarily. If every volunteer coming to work with us in Uganda would come with a computer or 5 and more used mobile phones, this would help us so much in raising funds for our projects.
The cost of living is generally very low in Uganda, if you’re not a heavy spender, on average you will spend US$ 4 on meals, US$ 16 on accommodation and US$ 2 on miscellaneous expenses making a total of US$ 22 per day. A 1 litre bottle of mineral water costs US$ 0.54 & a 350ml bottle of soda goes for US$ 0.38.
Africa Youth Ministries Uganda, has very few free volunteer placements basically reserved for local volunteers & volunteers from the East African Community, these are basically University or High School Students on Holiday and Unemployed young people who have no source of income. The rest of our volunteers pay for their own feeding, accommodation and they contribute to our field project trips transport. We however, provide for food in field trip projects.
- Travel & health insurance is on the account of a Volunteer, therefore before departure from your Country, a health & travel insurance must be procured.
- Being a volunteer affords you the opportunity to role model, educate, and support.
- No volunteer is permitted to use drugs or even smoking and use of alcohol during his tenure with us.
- Volunteers are expected to behave very well while working with us, we do not expect immoral relationship amongst volunteers and between our local staff.
- For safety reasons, on arrival all volunteers are advised to keep personal belongings in the administrative offices
- At all times, all volunteers are advised to follow security advice as given by Africa Youth Ministries staff.
- Official language used in our projects is English, and interpreters will be availed when needed.
- Do not share personal information such as telephone numbers and addresses and do not offer rides, money, or gifts to project beneficiaries.
- Be respectful of staff and project beneficiaries. Avoid provocative language and attire, dress decently.
- Be respectful of Africa Youth Ministries limited resources. We are a small not-for-profit, with a very limited materials budget.
- Money may not be handled, exchanged, etc. in open places e.g. in the hotel & community. Please be mindful of locking hotel room doors whenever you walk out even for 1 minute.
- All volunteers must be over the age of eighteen.
- If a physical or verbal altercation occurs, please step aside to allow staff to intervene.
- We respect everyone’s faith & belief and therefore we encourage volunteers to respect each others faith & belief.
- Anyone suspected of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse to a project beneficiary or staff will be dismissed immediately, a report will be filed and legal charges will be pressed.
- While we welcome volunteer enthusiasm, volunteers should not assume any role where they would be representing Africa Youth Ministries Uganda without the expressed permission of the Country Director and the Board of Directors.
- Participate to the extent that you feel comfortable and safe in any given situation.
- Please direct concerns and feedback to your project supervisor. In the event that this person is unavailable, please speak with any available staff
Volunteering involves resources with no time; others are only a couple hours once a year, season-only and still others are year-round active involvement. As you can see, we have a need for your help, in whatever way, and however often, you can offer it. There is no way to run this Organisation without volunteers and community involvement. Your time and resources help bring smiles to thousands of needy & vulnerable children affected & orphaned by AIDS & Armed conflicts in Uganda.
For further information or questions kindly do not hesitate to contact us by email at volunteers@aymu.org or by phone +256-753-200002, due to different time zones, this phone is available 24hrs for both voice calls and sms.